Sein, l'île du bout du monde
Publication date: October 25, 2021- Format 270 x 210 - Italian style - 28 pages
30,00 €
The book is self-published. It is available in the main bookshops of Finistère. It is also possible to order it online and it will be shipped.
SEIN, l'île du bout du monde is the first self-published book by Benoît Stichelbaut.
Particularly attached to the island of Sein, the photographer has stayed there several times, at different seasons. In winter, shooting is sometimes quite a challenge. Bringing together a high tidal coefficient and a series of lows was a challenge that took several years of waiting! In 2016, the conditions were met and the result lived up to the photographer's expectations with images of waves exploding on the dock, even overtaking the roof of houses. A few months later, while taking pictures by helicopter, the wind was gusting over 60 knots! It was impossible to land on the island as planned (to wait for clearer weather) and the operation risked being cancelled. Fortunately a slight decrease of the wind allowed the operation. On re-launching, we headed for Ar-Men for some incredible photos of this 32-meter lighthouse submerged by the waves.
In 2019, Benoît Stichelbaut settles in SEIN for several days, organizing his own "artist's residence". The project is to take advantage of the special atmosphere of the place and to be entirely available for photography. The aim is to highlight the different atmospheres of the island in order to reflect its personality.
And if the island makes the photographer happy, it is particularly inspiring for the author. We find in the book the themes dear to travel and reportage, the uniqueness of a place, the confrontation with natural elements, the necessary attention to the photographic moment.
It also serves as a support for a broader vision. Located between the land and the sea, between the material and the immaterial, between the finite and the infinite, the island reflects our aspiration to more harmony and beauty. It encourages us to slow down to allow our senses to awaken. It invites us to be more present. The island symbolizes the primacy of being over having.
The texts illuminate the photos and the reportage becomes an interior navigation. With a course fixed towards the horizon.
Présentation su France Bleu Breizh Izel (émission du 30 octobre) : ICI
Commander 30,00 €
Franz Dierik
Je l'ai immédiatement parcouru et il m'a ému par vos photos et textes.
J'aime la Bretagne depuis longtemps déjà et je me réjouis que des photographes comme vous l'êtes subliment les beautés de cette région et soulignent les conditions de vie souvent difficiles des habitants.
Merci à vous.
Je suis ravie du livre.
Merci aussi pour votre travail. Je viens de feuilleter votre livre sur l’île de Sein, j’en ai encore la chair de poule en vous écrivant ce commentaire. Vos photos éveillent beaucoup de souvenirs, sur une page elles font peur, sur une autre elles apaisent, sur une troisème elles enchantent.
Je guette sous le sapin le passage de Mr Noël....
Au plaisir de se rencontrer à CC pour une dédicace !
Philippe Hébert
Les textes, genre haïku, en répondant aux images, reflètent une philosophie de vie, une attitude de "contemplation active".
L'un et l'autre font un livre qui résonne longtemps après qu'on l'a refermé...
Stéphane Amiot
Thierry de THIBAULT
Après deux courts séjours sur l'île, il ne manquait plus que ce très beau livre pour en immortaliser les souvenirs...
Livre qui en appellerait volontiers d'autres sur cette île à l'ambiance si particulière.
Du grand Art.
Adrien Bretzel